Let your skin blossom with confidence with
Skin Tightening by Titan

The new Cutera® Titan® gives you an all natural option to actively turn back the clock on aging skin. Using light energy to stimulate new collagen growth deep beneath your skin’s surface, Titan can tighten skin on your face, arms, abdomen, and legs. It’s an ideal solution to enhance your youthful and healthy appearance without surgery, recovery time, or injections.


Titan utilizes a safe, infrared light to heat the dermis well below the skin’s surface. This heating can cause immediate collagen contraction resulting in tighter skin. During the procedure, the skin’s surface (epidermis) is protected through continuous cooling with the Titan handpiece. After the procedure, new collagen growth results in further tightening with the improvement of lax skin, folds and lines.

Laser Genesis Before and After